Monday, October 29, 2007

FiOS Installation

I got FiOS today.

Installation pretty much took all day. The Verizon guy came at around 9:30 and didn't leave until after 4. He brought the fiber line to the house, hooked it up to my existing internal coax wiring, set up the Verizon router/modem, set up the set-top boxes, installed the phone service box in the basement, took down the old copper wiring, and probably did some other stuff I didn't notice.

He also arranged things so I could keep my old cable Internet access up and running until he was almost ready to activate the new modem/router. Nice guy.

He set up the router so that all of the computers that previously shared my old wireless modem can still do so.

He showed me how everything works and was on his way.

My Internet connection is about ten times faster than it was before. The picture on the TVs looks better than it did with cable.

So far, so good.

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