Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Set-Top Box

As promised, Verizon sent somebody over this morning with a new set-top box. He was very polite and courteous, and had the thing set up in about ten minutes. Before he left, he told me that set-top boxes like mine have been nothing but trouble, and that they replace them all the time (in fact, he said he had another box replacement scheduled for that afternoon). He said that at the first sign of trouble, Verizon should have replaced my box.

Well how about that?

After all of the calls, the button-pushing, the disastrous attempt to reformat my box -- they could have (and should have) saved me the aggravation by simply replacing the damn thing.

Well, hopefully this fixes my TV problems (although the DVR software still sucks).

Maybe I'll speak with them soon about fixing the clicking sound on my phone line that's been there since I switched to FIoS.

And maybe after that, they can tell me why my kids' computer keeps losing its connection to their wireless router.

grumble, grumble...

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